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Monday, June 27, 2011

Mission Statement

As a couple, we are creating this blog to increase our spiritual growth by studying from the scriptures and other gospel related works. We intend to record our thoughts as an online study journal.

We will be posting scriptures, quotes, impressions, promptings, thoughts and our testimonies based on our regular study. Our goal is to encourage spiritual development for ourselves, our family, our friends and worldwide followers. Please follow along on our journey to draw closer to our Savior Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father.

This blog is open to readers from all religions, races, cultures, and peoples. Please feel free to participate in our study by sharing your experiences, your insights and asking questions. Or, simply read these posts at your leisure and take from them what you may.

We are by no means scholars of theology or masters of speech, rather, we are an ordinary couple, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, seeking the joys of this life through spiritual means.


The Sandbergs