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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mosiah 5

He Said:

Verse 7 of today's reading says that because of the covenant which they made, they shall be called the children of Christ.

I pondered this morning about what the covenants were that these people took upon their heads, and the first few verses of the chapter talked about how the words that King Benjamin spoke, brought a mighty change upon the people and they could feel that infinite goodness, as well as feel the manifestation of the spirit.

I tried to relate the things which the people heard into our day and age. Every 6 months we get the opportunity to hear our Prophet and Apostles speak to us in Conference. What a joyous time it is to receive council, comfort and that infinite goodness from God. The times have not changed that we can't be like the people of King Benjamin s day, and have that great manifestation come upon us.

How often do we have the spirit bear witness that what is being taught at conference is true and that we need to follow what is being taught, and then shortly afterwards not apply the things which we just covenanted in doing by saying AMEN? I know I am a huge hypocrite in that regard! I feel those promptings every time and learn what I need to and receive motivation to be more obedient, serve more faithfully, pray more often and do the little things more but as I let the natural man come in, those things slowly become a blur and those covenants I made are being broken.

I am grateful for the Atonement, because if it wasn't for the Atonement the gates of Hell would have swallowed me alive a long time ago! I am so happy that I live in a day and age where technology is at my fingertips. I can only imagine what life would of been like if I couldn't get on the computer and log onto LDS.ORG, GMAIL, FACEBOOK and other sites that are here for our benefit. The gospel is so easy to access nowadays and I personally take it for granted. We can easily listen to a quick talk while driving to work because of iPods, smartphones and other devices. We can easily access and receive that manifestation of his spirit as states in verse 3.

I challenge myself, and anyone reading this blog post to let God into your daily lives. I know we can become so overwhelmed with work, school, family and children, church callings, sports and any other leisure activity that we might have, but let's make a constant effort to let the spirit manifest truth to us daily by walking on higher ground. I have committed myself to post on this blog daily, and this week am doing pretty darn good if I say so! I usually study the scriptures and ensign before I go to work, and record my thoughts on this blog before I go to bed. I have noticed a difference in my life. Let's try and make time for God each day, no matter how small it is. If we only have 5 minutes between classes, on the way to work, or a lunch break let's jump on the internet and listen to a conference talk, read an article on the church website, or read a passage of scripture.

I promise if we do this the adversaries control over us will weaken, and his power on earth won't be as strong! Let's do it!

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